Quino's Mafalda

[Killing the ants]
#84, Mafalda (1966)
Mafalda: "My dad has decided to get rid of the ants on his plants."
Felipe: "And how is he going to kill them?"
Felipe: "I knew your dad wouldn't be that dense."
Dad: "THAT dense?"

El sentido de la vida ¿es doble mano?

[Kicking the can]
#???, Mafalda 8 (1972)
Felipe (thinking): "Such a big kid, kicking cans around."
Felipe (thinking): "What a disaster! Even my weaknesses are stronger than I!"

No dejes para mañana el tratar de encajarle a otro lo que tengas que hacer hoy.

[Something useful]
#324, Asi es la Cosa, Mafalda (1967)
Teacher: "My mom pampers me. My mom loves me."
Mafalda: "I'm happy for you, Ms. I see you have a wonderful mother."
Mafalda: "Now, please, can you teach us something important?"

No es cierto que todo tiempo pasado fue mejor. Lo que pasaba era que los que estaban peor todavia no se habian dado cuenta.

[Felipe's homework]
#895, Mafalda 4 (1968)
Felipe (thinking): "Well, I better go do my homework."
Felipe (thinking): "Damn!"

Nunca falta alguien que sobra.

[Felipe's girl]
#???, Mafalda 9 (1973)
Quino is a master of the 'silent comic.'

No es cuestión de herir susceptibilidades, sino de matarlas.

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